The deponent is informed that on July 14, 2011, his father was carrying in his arms, his grandfather, named Antonio Goncalves 83, his grandfather was doing physical therapy to walk again. What in the path toward rehabilitation clinic, Hyndai a vehicle, lost control on the highway Padre Manoel da Nobrega and after colliding with the guard-raid flew and flew over the van of the city where her father, Manuel and his grandfather. That the vehicle left Hyndai cutting the top of the van, killing the driver at the time and his father. The grandfather of the deponent was rescued and is in the ICU. That was at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, recognized the body of his father and saw that the driver of the van was without a head that was torn on impact. That gets back in the Registrar General of his father.
This accident occurred because the driver of Hynday, was driving at one hundred and fifty kilometers per hour. (By scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
God protect us from bad drivers...